Sunday, July 25, 2010

A work in progress.

So I have really been away for a while on this blog. I have been meaning to get back to it for a loooonnnnnnggggg time, but one thing after another has gotten in the way. I am updating the site to make it easier to follow and to make me more proactive in posting to it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

D-Day Poster

This was a fun but drawn out project. The original concept was for the 65th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion and to show a photo of the landing along the Normandy coastline. This was latter changed to reflect that the remembrance would be held at Battery Chamberlin in San Francisco. 

I enjoyed the process of working with the National Park Service and the Coast Artillery Historical Association. Looking forward to collaborating with them again.

The final version as setup for mass media distribution.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Having a little fun

Finally was able to have a little fun this week. Was working on a couple GW models just to keep myself busy. I also was hoping it would get a chance to play a couple games with some friends